Doctor Odd parallel parks

Most new cars have an automatic parallel parking, but Doctor Odd added a parallel dimension parking feature to his car.
When he clicks his keyfob, it sends the car into a parallel dimension.
Then he can go do whatever he needs to do, come back, and bring his car back.
If it gets a parking ticket over there, he throws it out.
Sometimes, it comes back with a lot of dirt on it.
Other times, it’s covered with blood and gore.
That’s why he’s got a subscription to the local car wash.
They don’t ask questions. And he tips well.


Looking at the tractors and other machinery, my grandfather said “They don’t make ’em like they used to.”
Which, considering that the farming process used to involve human sacrifice into a volcano, I’d say is a good thing.
Especially when the human to be sacrificed would be me.
“Get a goat out of the pen,” he said.
I put a rope around a goat’s neck, and we climbed the side of the volcano.
And I shoved my grandfather into the volcano.
Goats are expensive, you know.

Abandoned carts

I work for a company that’s all about helping companies engage with their customers.
The most interesting feature they support is abandoned shopping carts.
If you go to a web store, put something in your cart, and then close the window… that’s an abandoned cart.
Our software allows stores to send you texts or emails asking you if you still want that item.
I’ve noticed this before, and now I go to online stores and abandon carts just to see if they email me.
I also abandon shopping carts at the grocery store.
The employees gather them up, cursing me.

Weekly Challenge #969 – Mind

The next topic is PICK TWO Scorpion, Walking on eggshells, Turn, High pitched, News, Craftsmanship


— In the eye of the beholder —
“Well, really! Do you mind?”
The exclamation caught me by surprise, I turned around, white stick exploring the floor between us.
“Oh!” An embarrassed pause. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise.”
I cocked my head slightly, “My apologies, I seem to have startled you, miss. Is there something wrong?”
In a friendlier tone, she replied. “It’s just that, well I think you may have taken a wrong turn… Not your fault, at all, of course!”
“Well, this is actually the ladies’ changing room.”
I apologised profusely and allowed her to escort me out.
She really believed I was blind!


How do I deal with it?
I suppose it’s really just a state of mind. Call it professional detachment if you will.
I guess it’s no different to being a medic, or cop or doing any of those jobs that exposes you to terrible experiences. You don’t allow yourself to become emotionally involved, you concentrate on the job at hand, and don’t let it get in to your psyche.
Then again, who am I kidding?
I don’t have to deal with it, because I thoroughly enjoy what I do!
But, you won’t enjoy it, when I do it to you!


A Meeting of Minds
Derek wasn’t traditionally good looking, but he was a successful hypnotist and that had brought considerable wealth. Heidi was a supermodel. The most beautiful face of 1972, 73 and 74. She had a body to match but no personality.
Heidi was attracted to Derek’s wealth initially. Then he did his finest work: making her attracted only to him, a mind control trick that would ensure she never looked again at another man – she was completely under his spell.
Derek aged well; unlike Heidi. She became a bitter hateful woman. And as he’d ensured, she never looked at another man again.



It wasn’t Billy wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. As a child he had a fever that messed up his hearing. What he heard often seem by other as quite amusing. Take his belove Grandma. She would tell him to Mind his manners. Billy heard Mine his manners. Confusing how you could execute this, Billy did his best to compile. He had quite a deep hole in the backyard, before Grandma looked over the edge and declare that his manners were quite exemplary. Later in life Billy founded the Manners Mining Company who hold the mining right on Mars.


The butler walked into the waiting room and seeing them sitting along the wall, approached. “Is there any word on Mr. Withybottom, madam?”

“No John,” she said wearily. “We don’t know how long it will take to get results. Why don’t you take Linoliamanda and head home.”

“Really Mother. I don’t mind waiting here with you,” Linoliamanda said with a sideways scowl at the butler. “If it gets late, I can walk to Billbert’s house, and his parents can take me home.”

Perkins looked unhappy but nodded. “As you wish, Madam. I will wait for your call at the manor.”


They say that the last thing that goes through a bug’s mind when it hits the windshield is its ass.
You could say the same about Andy Parker, the first man to ride on a rocket sled.
After multiple experiments with cadavers and animals, the scientists wanted to test rapid acceleration and deceleration on a living human.
The staff who volunteered drew straws, and Andy got the short straw.
The ink was barely dry on his contract and life insurance policy when the rockets fired up and the brakes were released.
What his actual last thoughts were, nobody will know.

The other side

They say that the grass is always greener on the other side.
The other side of what?
The other side of The Force?
Well, the good side of the force was in the Jedi Temple at Coruscant.
There wasn’t much grass on that planet.
Nor was there much grass on Mustafar, Darth Vader’s hideout.
What about The Far Side?
Gary Larsson drew it in black and white during the week, and only the Sunday editions were in color.
It turns out, they were talking about that movie The Blind Side.
Man, the grass at that rich private school was green.

The creepy dog

We have an awesome back yard and patio, but the neighbor’s dog stares through the chain link fence.
When it does this, it looks creepy and judgmental.
So, we replaced the chain link fence with a solid wooden fence.
The dog still finds a way to get up on the fence and stare at us.
And it looks even creepier.
No matter how high we build the fence, the dog still manages to get up there and stare at us.
We moved to another neighborhood.
No back yard. No patio. No fence.
And, thankfully, no creepy dog staring at us.

Radial design

There’s a difference between not liking a symbol and not liking the cause it represents.
I find the Isle of Man flag to be ugly, with its radial and rotational symmetry of freaky feet.
But as for the Isle of Man itself, I really don’t know much about it, nor do I care to learn.
Similarly, the Nazi flag also has rotational symmetry in the symbol.
It’s nasty. It’s sharp. And the people who use it are awful people.
I don’t care if it’s an inverted symbol for peace.
So, Clarence, these cookies are delicious, but I’m rejecting your design.

Peppermint Flatty

All the way back to the third grade, Miss Othmar’s class, you could see how Marcie would look at Peppermint Patty, calling her Sir.
Kids would talk, do horrible things.
You know how kids can be.
Patty may have been a tough tomboy in grade school, but when she got to high school, she started to blossom.
Marcie wasn’t cool with this.
Patty went on hormone blockers, had her breasts surgically removed.
She was scheduled for the bottom surgery when she found Marcie making out with Charlie Brown under the bleachers.
Patty killed them both with a field hockey stick.

The marketed moon

I’m a technical writer.
But every now and then, I get asked to write marketing copy.
I’m not a marketing writer. I’m a technical writer.
My mindset is explaining things and teaching, not selling and promoting things.
The marketing people say give it a try.
So, I do. And it’s awful.
But we work on it together, and it comes out not half bad.
We do this again and again, and I feel myself change.
I fall to the floor, my body contorting.
The marketers howl at the full moon.
And I, the newest member of the pack, howl along.

The day after

If The New Yorker weren’t horribly biased, I’d imagine a cartoon where a reporter is poking her head into an editor’s office and asking if President elect is one word, two words, or hyphenated, and you see through the glass that the editor has hung themselves.
But The New Yorker is nowhere near that self-aware or capable of self-deprecation humor.
Hubris is funny, until it happens to you and your narrow world-view.
Besides, I’m sure some cartoonist has already tried to submit a cartoon like this.
No idea if the editor hanged themselves, though. But would you really be surprised?