Justin’s Sleepwalk


My wife always said that I sleepwalk, but I didn’t believe her… until now.
While on vacation in Turkey recently, I pushed a woman over a bridge while sleepwalking.
My lawyer tried to get me out of it, unsuccessfully.
I was sentenced to thirty-five years in a prison on the outskirts of Istanbul for my crime.
I don’t sleepwalk anymore. Hell, I barely sleep. I live my days in constant fear that my cellmate, Big Willy, will make me bend over for another “special moment.” I wish I were dead.
Why couldn’t I have just sleepwalked off of that bridge?

Justin’s story didn’t stick to his email when he sent it in for the Challenge. I was too lazy to re-edit the Challenge to add it in, so here it is in all of its glory.
Justin is now eligible for the magnets and the glory of selecting the topic should he win.

Dead Meat


Sausage lovers throughout America were saddened to hear of the recent death of Bob Evans, Ohio breakfast meat icon and restaurateur.
Evans, founder of the restaurant chain that bears his name, succumbed to complications from pneumonia. He was being treated at the Cleveland Clinic.
When supplies of quality sausage for his truckstop became scarce, he began making his own, thus laying the groundwork for a meatpacking and casual dining empire. Employees credited the enterprise’s rapid growth to Evans’s sage advice.
The family plans a private funeral at which Evans’s remains will be ground up and stuffed into a sausage-shaped casket.

Weekly Challenge #63 – Sleepwalking


Welcome to the sixty-third Weekly Challenge, where I post a topic and then challenge you to come up with a 100 word story based on that topic.
The topic this week was selected by Rocky from the Northwest Territories of Edloe Island: Sleepwalking.
The excellent theme music is by Guy David
Due to popular demand, I am going to include stories that were sent to me, but without a recording. However, since the midget has left for sunny Coral Gables, Florida, those stories will just be posted in the show notes. You’re more than welcome to vote for them, but they will be ineligible for prizes or topic selection.
I feel that this is a fair balance between the podcast and blog natures of this content.
Feel free to share your thoughts on this decision in the comments, and we might possibly come up with an even better and more fair policy for handling these kinds of situations.
Go ahead and listen to them by clicking on the grammophone thingy there in the left column and then vote for your favorites (multiple selections are allowed):

Which were the best stories in Weekly Challenge #63?
Jenny the Bloggess
Caleb Bullen from Black Tie Martini Club
Tom from Footnote
Elisson from blog d’Elisson
Guy David from The Sixteenth
Terrence from Never Was
Laieanna at Hodgepodge Point
Chris from Platypus Society
Radar from SL Under The Radar
Justin from Random Thoughts
Mamacita from What Would Jane Austen Do?
The Deranged Bard From Planet Z
Free polls from Pollhost.com

I will be sending the winner a prize… it’s refrigerator magnets for the podcast. Massive amounts of fridge magnets were mailed out in the past week… watch your mail, and let me know if I’ve missed you.
It is your voting that determines who wins. So listen, vote, and tune in next week to find out who won!


She didn’t used to be like this.
Before it happened, she was different.
The assault.
She doesn’t like the word, she doesn’t use it.
She’s very [deeply], and mostly, it doesn’t even exist.
She only remembers when she sees glimpses of the girl she once was. Old journals, vibrant photos from before.
A friend that she hasn’t seen since before it happened.
A friend who recognizes her face, but nothing behind it.
I watch her everyday in the mirror and subway reflections.
Her heels tap hypnotically in a rhythm that says “Not now. Not now.”
I wonder where she’s going.
I wonder who she is.


I’m not God. Used to be but I gave it up. Those poor sleepwalking fools. Once a year I would appear to one and give them the chance to ask any one question. They mostly fell into one of three categories: The avaricious like, “what stocks should I buy?” The stupid, “When and how will I die?” and the ponderous, “what’s the meaning of life?”.
Finally this one cat asks me, “do you like your work?” I hadn’t thought about it much but it turned out, I didn’t, so I gave it up. Get more respect as a bartender anyway.


It was always on the coldest nights of the year. Lenore would wander across the stone floor in bear feet making her way to the ruin of the west tower. Dead to the world in a sleep as deep as the one who lay in the vault below. The help had strict orders to let the lady of the manner go where she wilt. When she reached the tower the song began and none who heard it could long endure its deepless well of sorrow At dawn she was carried off to the bed in the vault of her twin.


Nick was one of those old guys who walked the mall every morning. A regular amongst the Davenport Mallwalkers, he’d been at it for over fifteen years now.
“I gotta get my exercise!” he’d say, heading past Macy’s at a brisk near-trot.
Last week, all that exercise was no help. Some guy stuck a gun in his face and demanded his wallet, and Nick must not have been quick enough coming up with it.
Nick’s sleeping the Forever Sleep now, but it doesn’t seem to slow him down any. I still see him walking the mall…
…but only at night.


I dare not go to sleep. If I go to sleep, I wake up somewhere else. It’s OK when I wake up in the canal between Nowhereville and Edloe Island, but that other time I woke up in this place, full of people with spikes who keep other people on a leash. I found out I lost my right arm that night and a knife was buried in my forehead. Cost me most of my lindens, that new arm, but that knife, I’m keeping that. Couldn’t afford to remove it, and anyway, the other avatars seems to think it cool.


Raoul lived alone. He had for a lone time and he liked it that way.
Sure sometimes he got a little lonely but he could deal with it. He
had tried living with a roommate a long time ago but it did not work
One night his roommate went to bed early. Raoul took the opportunity
and invited Eve over. They were half way through their visit when
Raoul spotted his roommate in the doorway. He could take the empty
milk cartons, he could even take the snoring, but the sleepwalking was
the last straw.


Bells chimed from the other room. Throwing back the covers and
falling into my shoes, I grabbed the lantern while dashing out the
bedroom door. The master was already halfway across the field before
I even left the cottage. He was wearing his wizard’s hat that gave
off the faintest of glows.
I followed as close as I could catch up, but for a moment I lost him
completely. When a dark cloud finally passed, I saw him still walking
through the air a few feet above me. I prayed he wouldn’t be over the
lake when he finally awoke.


When I awoke, I was standing on a stage surrounded by LOTS of people. Next to me on the stage an old man was holding out a book and reading from a prompter.
Where the hell am I?
I’ve been known to sleepwalk, but what’s odd about my condition is I’ve been known to do it for days. Most people don’t even realize I’m sleepwalking when I talk to them.
As my mind clears, I finally register the question the old man just asked.
“Do you solemnly swear to uphold the office of President of the United States?”


Their hands reach out, selfishly clutching at things that will doom them. Their minds are darkened by “me, me, me”, their hearts full of malice at any who would get in their way. It’s a contest of epic proportions, who can claim the most victory by gulping down and swallowing the most defeat.
It matters not to them that they spread sorrow and misery to others around them, nor that they will become dust long before their plans of so-called happiness could possibly reap any reward other than shame. And so it goes, and so they continue on, ever sleepwalking.


By the end of June I was already tired of the heat, and so bored I thought I was sleepwalking, when The Chief came strutting into the newsroom, looking to throw his weight around a little, just to show everybody why he was still The Chief and the one who made the decisions around here; I could tell he was gunning for me because he was waving my last assignment around in his greasy little fist telling me I’d gone over the word count again, and I said back to him, “One hundred words? That’s just one damn sentence.”


My wife always said that I sleepwalk, but I didn’t believe her… until now.
While on vacation in Turkey recently, I pushed a woman over a bridge while sleepwalking.
My lawyer tried to get me out of it, unsuccessfully.
I was sentenced to thirty-five years in a prison on the outskirts of Istanbul for my crime.
I don’t sleepwalk anymore. Hell, I barely sleep. I live my days in constant fear that my cellmate, Big Willy, will make me bend over for another “special moment.” I wish I were dead.
Why couldn’t I have just sleepwalked off of that bridge?


The Internet is the most complex and advanced communication tool ever built by man.
Spammer N’Gawi Mobutu saw it as a way to scam people out of their money.
He made millions.
The Russians took some of those millions for a trip to the space station, the most complex and advanced vehicle ever built by man.
Mobutu saw it as just a fun way to spend the weekend.
Disgusted, the crew shoved Mobutu into the airlock and claimed he sleptwalked out into space.
Oxygen is the most basic and simple biological requirement needed by man.
Good luck finding it, Mobutu.

Thanks to everyone for sending in their stories, and I look forward to what you’ve got to write (and say) next week.
The theme for next week’s Weekly Challenge will be posted shortly.

Podcast Ready is holding a contest for referrals and signups using their very cool podcatching software.
I’ve been using that software for well over a year, and I absolutely love it. I just pop Ziggy’s chip into my system, let it sync up, and then put the chip back in the phone… no more hassles with downloading podcasts manually.
Want to see me win? Just sign up for PodcastReady using the promotional code CRAP to sign up, or edit your profile to use the promotional code CRAP.
To edit your profile:

  1. Go to PodcastReady
  2. Sign in with your username and password
  3. Click on Preferences
  4. Scroll down to Promo Code and type in CRAP
  5. Click on the OK button.

Isn’t that simple?

My funeral


yesterday night
I was thinking about
my funeral
if i were irish
i’d have a wake
and at that wake
there’d be alcohol
and music
and a guillotine
so my friends
and family
could hold a raffle
and the winner
would get to
cut off my head
(unless, of course
that is how
i died
in the first place)
instead, i am jewish
and there you will be
sitting shiva
for seven days
but just because
you have to sit
it doesn’t mean
it can’t be
on a whoopee cushion
or on a shiatsu
massage device
draped over
your chair

Water Flows


If you insist on looking back, fine – Let’s all look back.
Water spreads in the ocean.
Water flows down the river.
Water runs through the sewer.
Water runs down the pipes.
Water collects in the drain.
A teardrop rolls down a face, falls into a drain.
Another. And another.
A painful memory recalled.
Drinking a glass of water.
Water flows into the glass.
Water flows through the pipes.
Water flows through the treatment plant.
From your perspective, it’s a painful memory.
But the water doesn’t know or care.
It just flows from place to place, unaware of what it does.

Salt and Pepper


Her collection started simple – a dog and a cat. The dog held the pepper and the cat held the salt.
Then, she got a bride and groom set. The Bride’s dress used to be as white as the salt inside it.
Year after year, shelf by shelf – the shaker collection grew.
They kept her company in her old age, surrounding her with gleaming beauty.
When she died, she asked that her ashes be poured inside the shakers and her house turned into a museum.
Instead, the ashes were lost at the mortuary, and the shakers are sold off on eBay.

The H Word


“To the man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”
Ever hear that?
I have. And I saw something similar to it carved into the bathroom stall: “To the man with a tree and a rope, everything looks like a nigger.”
Disgusting, isn’t it?
Know what’s worse? It’s carved into the bathroom stall of a church.
My church.
I close the Bible and look up from the pulpit.
“Which one of you fuckers wrote that?” I shout.
They stare back. Nobody responds.
Oh well. No sense beating a dead horse.
Potluck Sunday, you know.
Pass the potato salad, please.

Atlantis Rises


Poseidon raises his mighty hand, oceans boiling with rage.
An ancient land rises from the deep once more.
“Atlantis,” growls the sea god. “How long has it been since I saw you fall?”
He wanders the water-logged streets, rotten wood and cracked piles of marble that were once stores, homes, and temples to his glory.
What was once beautiful and majestic, left in ruin by time.
Poseidon weeps, lowering his hand. The lost continent is lost once more.
He wonders aloud if he’s done this before.
Oh, Senile Sea God, like your temples, how the ages have ravaged your mind.

I’ve Got Spurs


I’ve got spurs that jingle jangle jingle.
I wish I didn’t. Damn things are a dead giveaway for a cattle rustler.
They used to belong to a rancher, but he tried to catch me rustling his cattle and-
That’s right. I heard the spurs from a mile off.
They looked so nice, couldn’t leave them behind.
I should have sold them off, or dug a hole and buried them.
The Rangers have me pinned in this canyon. It’s night, but I can’t escape.
Bullet in my shoulder, bleeding slow.
I’ll die with my boots on.
And these damn, noisy spurs.

Weekly Challenge #62 – How I spent my summer inside a Turkish prison


Welcome to the sixty-second Weekly Challenge, where I post a topic and then challenge you to come up with a 100 word story based on that topic.
The topic this week was selected by Tom of Footnote: How I spent my summer inside a Turkish prison.
The excellent theme music is by Guy David
Go ahead and listen to them by clicking on the grammophone thingy there in the left column and then vote for your favorites (multiple selections are allowed):

Which were the best stories of Weekly Challenge #62?
Rocky Torok of Edloe Island
Jenny of The Bloggess
Caleb from Black Tie Martini Club
Guy David from Guy David dot com
Tom from Footnote
Houston Keys from Tater Tots For The Masses
Daphne from Going Broke
Chris from Platypus Society
To4m from Tom’s Podcast
The Ghost of William Z. Burroughs
Free polls from Pollhost.com

I will be sending the winner a prize… it’s refrigerator magnets for the podcast. Massive amounts of fridge magnets were mailed out in the past week… watch your mail, and let me know if I’ve missed you.
It is your voting that determines who wins. So listen, vote, and tune in next week to find out who won!


The charge was cruelty to farm animals. I was sentenced to 6 months in this facility. So far it hasn’t been so bad.
I have met a lot of pretty nice people. Over there, that’s Snake. We have a lot in common. We both love cats. We traded recipes.
That guy over there is Big Willy. He doesn’t say much. He must be a clean freak because he spends most of his free time in the showers.
Hey look! There’s a shiny quarter. Someone must have dropped it. They say here, finders keepers, losers weepers..
Right Big Willy? Big Willy? BIG WILLY!!!!


Dear mom and dad,
When you said I should summer at Gramma’s house in Turkey I figured it
would be good for us to spend some time apart after the tensions of last
I realize you’re disappointed that I failed Algebra II. Most parents
would ground their child or take away their phone but I’m pretty sure they
would not plant a kilo of heroine in their kid’s suitcase and then warn
the Turkish officials that a dangerous drug mule would be arriving that
day. Oh and wrapping the drugs in my report card? Nice touch.
You guys are assholes.
Love, Karen


It’s no spring picnic spending your summer vacation inside a Turkish prison. The falafel is just awful. The kefir inspires fear. And the baloney sandwiches aren’t very good either. Knowing all this, I decided to win the hearts and minds of my fellow inmates and smuggled in a nice hard sausage for them. Of course we had to hide it from the guards but everyone enjoyed my sausage so much it wasn’t like being in prison at all. Honestly, I can’t wait to go back next summer. Just so long as I get to go to a women’s prison again.


I was hungry. Really hungry. I know you’re supposed to save the turkey till Christmas, but it was my summer vacation, and I was in Turkey after all, so it somehow fit. I was just about to put it in the oven when I figures I forgot to put the paprika, and, that I didn’t actually have paprika in the first place. Fortunately, I had a very nice neighbor next door, so I told her the whole story, only, somehow she heard the word “Turk” instead of “Turkey”. I spent the rest of my summer vacation inside a Turkish prison.


Last year Mom and Dad took us to Disneyland. It sucked. It was phony and silly and the food was really really bad. Dad said he was tired of our bitching and moaning so he said we would be going on a real vacation this year. We had to choose from three fun filled packages. The Shank Shaw Redemption Road Gang Experience, Escape from Alcatraz Marathon Swim and the Midnight Express Turkish Delight. I voted for Burning Man, but we went to Turkey instead. The best part of the trip was Kat Steven’s inmate concert. Folsom Blues in Arabic rocked.


No privacy, no peace.
It’s like work without the cubicles. I was pleasantly surprised that the man with the rubber glove was amazingly gentle.
So how did I get here? Who really knows? One minute I’m watching “What’s my Filafil?” and the next I see a woman without a burka. The entertainment police bust in and BLAMMO!
The good side is my mustache is growing in nicely and the torturous screams of my cell mates provide a nightly soundtrack for insanity.
So once I get out I’ll recommend a Turkish Prison to all my friends. Along with the carpets, those are really, really nice.


Mom said I needed a summer job. It would build character and make some money for school. So I took a job working for my Great Aunt at her turkey farm. I fed the turkeys, cleaned up the barn when they were out in the yard and made sure they had water. One morning I got them all out to the yard and was sweeping up after them when the door to the barn closed. I was locked in.
And that is how I spent my Summer Vacation in a Turkey Prison.


Last year, Shawshank prison was selected to take part in a prisoner exchange program with other prisons around the country. Having earned the warden’s blessing after doing his taxes, my good friend Andy Dusfresne was one of the first prisoners selected for the new program.
But there was a mix-up; instead of going to Anchorage, Andy wound up in Ankara at a maximum security Turkish prison, where he was repeatedly sodomized by packs of horny Turkish bull queers. It was September before the mistake was realized and Andy was brought back home.
That was the longest summer of his life.


Ok So I forgot smuggling hash was against the law. I saw Midnight
Express but that was years ago. During the summer in prison I learned
a lot of things. Grubs and water are a good meal once you’ve forgotten
about cheeseburgers. Daylight is overrated. So are showers Stench is
the new Axe . A great way to entertain yourself is to take maybe 10 or
12 dead cockroaches (or snacks as I called them) and toss them to the
cell’s silent darkness then spend hours finding them. It wasn’t so
much fun when they landed in the chamber pot.


April 14th, 1965
Lincoln died a hundred years ago today.
I have ingested half of a Turkish street market, snorting swirling iridescent powders, rubbing quivering jellies on my flesh, quaffing elixirs from ornate vessels and inhaling ancient magical incense. The cops descend upon the bazaar like a plague of locusts, wrestling me to the ground.
To struggle is futile. But I do so anyway, hurling bodies from me like a wet spinning pinwheel hurls away the damp.
A truncheon falls, and all… goes… black.
The devil inside me pulls at the bars of his prison cell, screaming and belching flame.

Thanks to everyone for sending in their stories, and I look forward to what you’ve got to write (and say) next week.
The theme for next week’s Weekly Challenge will be posted shortly.

Podcast Ready is holding a contest for referrals and signups using their very cool podcatching software.
I’ve been using that software for well over a year, and I absolutely love it. I just pop Ziggy’s chip into my system, let it sync up, and then put the chip back in the phone… no more hassles with downloading podcasts manually.
Want to see me win? Just sign up for PodcastReady using the promotional code CRAP to sign up, or edit your profile to use the promotional code CRAP.
To edit your profile:

  1. Go to PodcastReady
  2. Sign in with your username and password
  3. Click on Preferences
  4. Scroll down to Promo Code and type in CRAP
  5. Click on the OK button.

Isn’t that simple?